This is a pic of Chloe from a few weeks ago sporting her leg warmers from Danielle & her mac onesie from Christa. Thanks everyone :)
This post will be talking about baby poop. I totally understand if you don't want to read about that, and feel free to "mark as read" or "X out" or disregard, however you choose. But if you do, just say a little prayer for my chloe if you don't mind.
For the last 4-5 days, Chloe has been pooping ... a lot. like 6 times a day. This is very abnormal for her, she usually goes max 2 times, sometimes not at all, but most consistently about 2 times every day. The poop is all different colors & consistencies, I'll spare you the details, but you can tell that something weird is going on in her tummy. I am trying to isolate what could be causing her digestive upset. She doesn't seem to be too uncomfortable or in pain tummy wise except for her poor little raw bum, with her worst diaper rash to date. I took her to the docter because she was crying when we were wiping her... and I felt terrible for her and wanted to figure out the cause. They gave me a perscription, Nizoral cream, for her bum but you have to be careful how much you use it and honestly I'm nervous about using it on her based on the side effects and how delicate her skin is already :( But I'm gonna try for a few more days and see if it helps. So that is 2x a day and the rest of the time I'm trying to be very gentle, wipe with warm wipes, give her a little air and use desitin.
I feel so bad for her..... she just keeps going and going (poo). I cut a lot of her solid food intake back. I wondered if maybe it could be the little baby jar meats (I tried a one of chicken/sweet potatoes & just chicken last week for the first time). Brian is convinced it is. Me after hearing Similac is convinced that there is beetle larvae in the Target Up&Up formula that is her main source of nutrition. I still am breastfeeding in the morning, and this makes me wish I was breastfeeding even more, so I'm trying to maybe build my supply back up a bit so I can get one more nursing in a day and take out one of her formula bottles because usually breastmilk is easier on their systems.
anyway, not a huge thing, I don't think, but still I'm trying to figure it out.
--this mommy wishes she knew the answers--
poor baby!! :( i also shouldn't have read while eating breakfast ;) haha i know i know, you warned me, my own fault!
Hey Rachel!
Sorry to hear about Chloe's tummy :( I'm thinking too it could be the meats. The website I use for making baby food for Ava recommends waiting till 8-9 months to start meats. Not sure why but maybe their tummies aren't ready to digest meat yet? Will be sending prayers your way little Chloe and for Mama too! Don't worry too much I'm sure it'll clear up in no time :)
Love to you guys,
Magic Bum Cream:
equal parts
Maalox (Mylanta, whatever)
Nystatin (prescription) or Lotrimin (over the counter)
It works. Trust me!
I'm sorry she's not feeling well. I hope it goes away very soon!!
Also wanted to say that Mothers are expert detectives. There is always a puzzle to solve! You're doing a good job. Keep up the good work!
And if you buy Probiotics capsules, you can sprinkle the contents into some of her food. Or start yogurt. I started yogurt at 6 months w/ Ian & Aaron for the same reason... bum issues.
I'm going to heed your warning and NOT read this post. Just wanted to say I love Chloe's outfit. So adorable! Where did that Apple onesie come from??
Definitely it's on the meats. What month old is Chloe? 4 or 5 months? She's too young to eat meats. Just let her eat baby foods. Hope she is already well now.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
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