Thursday, May 31, 2012

5/30 - 5/31 night time sleep

Tonights bedtime in detail -  10x out

Upstairs at 7:15
Books at 7:24
Read 2 then talked about her day
Lights out at 7:36
First time out 7:36
(no mommy, hands in)
Second time out 7:37 - hands in, dropped to floor 
7:38 out
7:39 with blankie
Put her back without fixing 
7:40 out with blankie on floor
Put her back with lightly placed blankie
7:48 calling for me from bed
7:49 out, look in cabinet
Put her back with lightly places blankie
8:01 - sit up and wrinkly blankie
8:02 - out
I did Put blankie back on, hands complain, left without talking or complying, she is crying. Quiet... Watching door
8:04 out of bed again
Put her back, placed blankie 
8:15 out of bed again
8:15 out of bed quickly right after
8:16 back in bed with blankie and water

No talking went into this but i did place her blankie back on her, but not tucking her in.

Up at 1:30am

Up at 5:30am, got back to sleep with some coaxing

Up at 7:10am for the day

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