Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Had my first physical exam today - relatively uneventful although rather uncomfortable (didn't think I'd have to get a PAP while pregnant). But I did get to hear the baby's tiny heartbeat faintly behind mine. I was so excited because the midwife said she can't always detect it this early, but she likes to try, and she was very persistent until she found it, and seemed as excited as me! :-) Even though I'd already seen it on the ultrasound last week, it was still fantastic and made me smile. Another appt at 13 weeks (a month from now) and Brian will get to hear it too.

Other than that, things have been good. I feel a bit of my energy coming back. I am still queasy in the mornings, but days like today are good, I feel like I can go out and do things and even do dishes and vacuum. I'm glad and hopeful that I'm coming out of the worst of the nausea and symptoms.

Brian and I looked at baby names - top 200 from 2005 yesterday in a book I had. It was interesting how many we DIDN'T like or couldn't even consider, some that we loved but close friends had already taken (like Eli, Mason, Caleb, etc. ;-) Girlwise I think we are less picky and have more choices. Who knows though!

Anyway - that's it for today. Leave me a comment if you even read this!


Anonymous said...

of course I read this...never doubt that ;)

Unknown said...

hey I check your blog page once a day to see if you have updated it or not.... Im always curious to see how my Friends pregnancy's are going.... in 12 weeks Chris and I will welcome our Little Girl into this world.... and Joshua will have a Baby Sister to play with :)

amy grace said...


you know that you can use "Amy" again if you want... ha, no that would be a little weird...except auntie mary was named after her auntie mary...same middle name too, so i guess it isn't THAT weird....but then again when you come from a family of 6 siblings i guess you run out of names... :)

Kristin Lynch said...

Everyone has an aunt Mary, Amy. :)

A few of my friends never talked names with their friends because EVERYONE had an opinion and it became SO much easier to just let everyone find out once the baby was born.

Having said that, Hobbes and Dexter offered their names if it's a boy...and Kristin Lusky has a certain ring to it. ;)

Laura Gruner said...

I love reading your blog!!! And it's funny, Chris and I always have girl names before boy names... and we've had two boys and we'll find out #3 in about two weeks! You like some of the same boy names we do... Eli, Caleb, etc but we also have good friends with kids with those names... name picking isn't easy!!! Can't wait to find out what you guys decide on!