Friday, June 1, 2012

6/1 - 6/2 Night time sleep

12x out of bed before bedtime... and a lot of night waking. this was a major regression and a rough night, especially for daddy.

We went out to dinner tonight but got Chloe home by 6:45 so good amount of time for wind down. She was happy to play blocks by herself and then play her keyboard with daddy. Around 7:20 I came to gather her for bedtime and teeth brushing and she was so happy to follow me upstairs... she even wanted to put her blocks away before going up. Also she ate broccoli at dinner with no complaints... it's been a weird day!

by 7:41 she was in bed
1) 7:42, out and i put her back WITH blankie and words
2) 7:43, out and i put her back with no blankie and no words
3) 7:45, out and she was mad, asking for blankie and crying (but not hard)
4) 7:46, out and asking for blankie again
5) 7:46, out again, this time i put her back with blankie placed lightly.

6) 8:00 - out

7) 8:06 - out and came downstairs, daddy takes over
8) 8:10 - out
9) 8:13 - out
10) 8:15 - out
11) 8: 20 - out
12) 8:22 - out with final warning, blankie being taken away

11:07pm - Out, light on... when parents got home, I think she heard people talking and doors opening
11:08pm - Out again
11:15pm - Out again
11:17pm - Out last time, threat of blankie take away, she stayed

4:00am - Out
6:30am - Out
6:40am - Out
I think finally they gave up around 6:50 and she went to hang out with gramma and granny.

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